RuneLite Compatibile

No risk of third party client infringments as we run on RuneLite.

Manual/ Automated

For both those looking for a manual way to easily level up skills or run completely autonomiously we've got you covered.


With a host of configuration options, theres no restriction on the type of account you use.

Premium plugin package

Our selection of premium plugins

Auto Eater

Auto Eater is one of our Miscellaneous Premium Plugins that will keep you alive and prosperous throughout battle. With many different configurable options, you can ensure your character will stay alive and boosted, even offering the ability to summon support thralls, reactivate imbued hearts, and much much more.

Mouse Forwarder

Mouse Forwarder is a plugin which allows you to click/scroll/type in any application on your PC, and have it click within the client! Pairs PERFECTLY with our IntelliClick line of plugins!

Intelli Click Bankstander

Have some menial task you want to repeat endlessly while standing at the GE? Need to clean 42,690 herbs, or make 1.2m Broad Arrows (lookin' at you irons)? Look no further. IntelliClick BankStander is here! Allowing you to use Processing Spells such as Enchant Jewellery, Spin Flax, Humidify, Superglass Make, and MUCH more, you can complete tasks in a breeze. Need to make darts quickly? Enable spam click and "Use Item on Item" and select the Feathers and Dart Tips.

Intelli Click Chopper

Intelli Click Chopper is a Woodcutting Plugin that takes all the hassle away from you. Like all Intelli Click plugins, all you have to do is enable the plugin, and click repeatedly anywhere within the client - the plugin does the rest of the work for you (as long as you keep clicking)! Intelli Click Chopper offers a couple options, with many more on the way. Currently you can chop in the Woodcutting Guild, and can choose from Yew, Magic, and Redwood Trees. You can also 'Chop Anywhere', which allows you to select any type of tree.

Intelli Click Construction

Intelli Click Construction is a Construction plugin that takes all the hassle away from you. Like all Intelli Click plugins, all you have to do is enable the plugin, and click repeatedly anywhere within the client - the plugin does the rest of the work for you (as long as you keep clicking)! Intelli Click Construction currently only offers Building in your POH!

Intelli Click Fisher

Intelli Click Fisher is a Fishing Plugin that takes all the hassle away from you. Like all Intelli Click plugins, all you have to do is enable the plugin, and click repeatedly anywhere within the client - the plugin does the rest of the work for you (as long as you keep clicking)! Intelli Click Fisher offers a TON of Fishing Options, including:
1. Aerial Fishing (great for Hunter exp!)
2. Karambwan
3. Anglerfish
4. Monkfish
5. Minnows
6. Barbarian (regular and now supports 3T!)
7. Drift Net (great for Hunter exp!)
8. Fishing Guild

Intelli Click Hunter

Intelli Click Hunter is a Hunter plugin that takes all the hassle away from you. Like all Intelli Click plugins, all you have to do is enable the plugin, and click repeatedly anywhere within the client - the plugin does the rest of the work for you (as long as you keep clicking)! Intelli Click Hunter currently offers Chinchompas and now offers Herbiboar!

Intelli Click Miner

Intelli Click Mining is a Mining Plugin that takes all the hassle away from you. Like all Intelli Click plugins, all you have to do is enable the plugin, and click repeatedly anywhere within the client - the plugin does the rest of the work for you (as long as you keep clicking)! Intelli Click Mining offers a variety of Mining Options, including Mining Guild, Sandstone, 3 Tick Granite (3t4g), Amethyst, and "Anywhere" where you can select the ore you want, place your character by those rocks, and let us Intelli Click for you!

Intelli Click Runecrafter

Intelli Click Runecrafting is one of the most sought after Intelli Click plugins offered. A RC Plugin that takes all the hassle away from you, and offers a variety of different options. Like all Intelli Click plugins, all you have to do is enable the plugin, and click repeatedly anywhere within the client - the plugin does the rest of the work for you (as long as you keep clicking)! Intelli Click Runecrafting offers many different methods:
1. Astrals
2. Bloods (Morytania)
3. Combo Runecrafting
4. ZMI (Ourania Altar)
5. Guardians of the Rift (GOTR)

Intelli Click Shopper

Intelli Click Shopper is a Shopping Plugin that takes all the hassle away from you. Like all Intelli Click plugins, all you have to do is enable the plugin, and click repeatedly anywhere within the client - the plugin does the rest of the work for you (as long as you keep clicking)! Intelli Click Shopper currently offers two methods of purchasing: Charter Ship and Blast Furnance - with many more to come.

Intelli Click Smither

Intelli Click Smither is a Smithing plugin that offers three different methods: Giants Foundry, Blast Furnace, and Anvil Smithing. Giants Foundry is a mini-game in which players are tasked with creating giant swords. You create a mould, then use Smithing Bars (bronze through rune) to fill the mould and slowly forge the sword. Blast Furnace is a method of quickly smithing bars from Iron all the way through Runite. It uses half the amount of Coal as a standard furnace will - and can get exp rates exceeding 400k/hr!

Phantom Muspah Helper

Phantom Muspah Swapper is exactly what it sounds like - a Gear and Prayer Swapper for the newest OSRS Boss, Phantom Muspah. This plugin will take all of the worry out of the fight, as it swaps all defensive and offensive prayers (including Smite during the Prayer Phase!). No more corruption, no more massive hits from not praying magic in time, and get those super fast high profit kills easily!

Separate plugins

Below are the other individual plugins on offer


Auto Vorkath is a full fledged automatic Vorkath killer. It has customizable options for Weapons, Secondary/Specs, Anti-Venom Gear, Teleports, and much more. The plugin allows you to use Melee OR Range, and will even WOOX WALK for you without fail. This is a top of the line plugin, now available to you on RuneLite.

Ready to max?

Purchase here